[Spectrum 2.0] Comments

Louys Mireille mireille.louys at unistra.fr
Wed Jun 10 16:17:45 CEST 2015

Hi Mark, hi all,

Many thanks for the update and corrections in the document which 
improves in clarity , namely for the observation , dataset Ids .
Only minor suggestions below.
My comments in slanted font:

stdRefPosition: appears first in 3.10 and is defined in 6.4 in the 
datatypes. //
//that would help to have a reference link to the definition on the 
first occurences in the text. /

/Dataproducttype enumeration list contains one literal equals to 'MIXED 
Some combination of the other options'.//
//Are there any service implementations currently using this kind of 
data product type?

The problem of //combined , and or complex datasets is not supported by 
this Spectrum model.
There will be a discussion in Sesto In DAL on the use of DataLink and 
existing models to tackle these situations .
The concept of the ”nu L-nu” or ”lambda L-lambda” luminosity flux, or 
equivalently the
luminosity per logarithmic energy interval L(log nu), is a distinct 
concept in the world of spectral
energy distributions - and it’s a di erent concept from the bolometric 
luminosity, ff which has the
same units. The UCD board has not yet approved a UCD expressing this 
concept; we have to
use phys.luminosity and infer the concept from the units.

/is this an implicit  request for a new UCD //? this can be taken into 
account in Semantics //, I sent a request for that./

• A Photometry Filter may not be serialized in the same file as the 
photometric sequence.
There is no mechanism for serializing a reference to another extension 
within the same file.
It may be referred to via the keyword holding the reference URI.

/I am not sure I understand this paragraph : do we need an example here 
to show //
//how to link an example of  a spectrum  (spectrumDM2.0 ) to a filter 
description from Filter in PhotDM?/

/RefPos vs referencePosition://
//all Frame in the text use the attribute name 'referencePosition' but 
the utype list uses 'RefPos' like in CoordSys.FluxFrame.RefPos//
//if the utype string does not matter why not homogeneise and use 
'referencePosition'in the Utype string. //
//This will be generated this way //in both cases : VODML serialisation 
or legacy utypes //, I suppose./

thanks , Mireille.

Mireille Louys	, Maître de conférences
Centre de Données ( CDS)		Icube & Télécom Physique Strasbourg, Pôle API
Observatoire de Strasbourg 		300, boulevard Sébastien Brant
11, Rue de l'Université			CS 10413
67000 Strasbourg 			F - 67412 ILLKIRCH Cedex
http://astro.unistra.fr			http://www.telecom-physique.fr
tel : +33 3 68 85 24 34

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