Spectral DM 2.0: TCG review feedback

Louys Mireille mireille.louys at unistra.fr
Mon Dec 1 18:12:14 CET 2014

Hi Mark , all ,
I am not sure which list is the best for this answer , so please forward 
it to apropriate collaborators if you wish .

on the RFC page I read

/2.4.7 Curation.References: String /

/I'm fairly unhappy with keeping this so generic. The way this is 
written, people will dump any old string in there, glueing together 
different references with characters an implementation has no way of 
figuring out. Couldn't we write (*): /

    /2.4.7 Curation.Reference: String [Singular!] /

    /One or more bibliographic references associated with the datset.
    Applications might use these to suggest what works to reference when
    a dataset is used. To allow for automatic processing, values should
    be either bibcodes (discernable to the client as 19-character
    strings beginning with four digits) or DOIs (discernable to the
    client by their prefix "doi:"). Freetext references are allowed but
    discouraged. /

    /The containing element can occur multiple times. Do not combine
    multiple references into one value. /




/MCD: Perhaps the notation isn't clearly conveyed. The convention in 
this doc (and the Cube) is for attributes with multiplicity >1 to be 
plural. If you consider the attribute, it holds the 'references'. Each 
instance is a singular reference which could be described as you 
suggest. So, the convention used is in question, and if changed, would 
be done across the board. Another option would be to show the type as 
"String[]". /

I am in favour of expressing the multiplicity of the attribute .
UML modelers such as Modelio allow for instance to define how many 
attributes values can be used in a serialisation, so using the 
attribute  Reference[0..*] : String in the Class Curation should work to 
express that this can be an array of various references , or a list , 
with more than one reference item.

cheers , Mireille.

Le 25/11/2014 19:07, CresitelloDittmar, Mark a écrit :
> All,
> Following up on the Banff action item, I've updated the twiki page:
> http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/Spectral2RFC
> with responses to the TCG feedback comments put forward by the 
> Registry working group.  I tried to colorize my items in green, but 
> they didn't all work.. I did preface my remarks with "MCD:" as well.
> There is an open question which I will need to resolve before 
> completing the document update.  The question effects the Cube work as 
> well, so isn't a wasted discussion.
>   ** What convention to use for plural attributes**
>     I have used the convention of making the attribute plural, with a 
> singular datatype.
>       eg: Curation.references: String
>     which indicates that Curation holds a list of 'references' of type 
> String.  However, this
>     also looks like it says " provide all references using a single 
> string.. using some separator".
> Please take a look, I will proceed making the indicated changes to the 
> document.
> Mark

Dr Mireille Louys, assistant professor
Ecole Telecom physique Strasbourg, Icube
CDS, Observatoire de strasbourg, France

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