[ImageDM] Mapping

Louys Mireille mireille.louys at unistra.fr
Tue Nov 26 09:52:35 PST 2013

Dear Doug , Mark , all,
my 2 c , inserted in your messages .
Thanks , Mireille.
Le 26/11/2013 00:02, Douglas Tody a écrit :
> Hi Mark -
> I got the impression earlier that you were suggesting doing this by
> adding additional axes to Characterization; sure sounded like it. In
> any case, for ImageDM/Spectral CoordSys is a place we can put transforms
> that don't fit into either Char or STC - FluxFrame/Photometry is an
> existing example.  In principle Mapping could be be moved there, however
> the complexity and size issue alone is sufficient to argue against this
> (also encapsulation etc. as I noted earlier).  You yourself argued a
> while back that Mapping was Data element specific and should be modeled
> as part of the Data element.
it seems to me that the mapping  coefficients could be different from 
one chunk of data to another one , even if it is computed in the same 
Coordinate system.
So it is easier to have it attached to each Data sub-array, according to me.
FITS conventsions are also very familiar to most of astronomers and 
would not need much conversion or wrapping/unwrapping
for all tools developpers, inside and outside the VO to understand the 
Mapping Information.

best regards , Mireille.

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