New STC-in-VOTable draft

Arnold Rots ahrots at
Tue May 18 15:36:48 PDT 2010


As usual, a slow response - apologies.
I'm sending this from my Gmail account, since it is far too painful trying
to send things
through my CfA account with the state of connectivity here.

Some residual comments:

p. 6, table 3:
LSR, LSRD, LSRK should only be allowed in spectral and redshift frames.

p. 8, table 5:
I could grumble about the IDs, but they can be reconstructed when taking
the utypes and turning them into a proper STC-X document.
However, the units are a bit more problematic. I'll grant you that there
be conflicts arising, but banning them makes it very hard to reconstruct the
STC-X version.

p. 10, top:
I just want to register my disagreement, for the record, with this
definition of epoch.

p. 10, sec. 4.1:
I am not clear how that region is going to be represented in the table;
wouldn't it need center and radius columns?
However, it raises another issue that we probably should have addressed:
how to represent STC-S strings. The nice thing about them is that they are
fully self-contained. Should they be string columns that have an
xtype="stc:STCS", for instance?

p. 11, end of sec. 4.2:
I'm not enamored of the name "Ephem"; why not Time or ISOTime?
And I would suggest that xtype="stc:ISOTime" might be more fitting.


  - Arnold

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 10:03 AM, Markus Demleitner <
msdemlei at> wrote:

> Dear DM folks, dear VOTable folks,
> I've put up another draft of the STC-in-VOTable note.  See the (now
> cleaned-up) page at
> (or go
> directly to
> Most important news:
> * There's now a single container for all items belonging to one
>  coordinate system as discussed before.
> * There's now a "HOWTO" section at the beginning of the document that,
>  I would hope, will be enough for most people.
> * The examples have been changed -- what's included now is already
>  generated (from slightly extended STC-S) by my STC and VOTable
>  libraries (currently only available from SVN), so whatever's
>  in there should at least be consistent.
> * New special-casing for the AbsoluteTime substituion group that in
>  effect drops the format specification by default.
> * There's now a rule how to include the data model URI.
> What next?
> Well, as usual protest, insults, or -- gasp! -- moderate praise can
> be left at the wiki.  However, we're nearing the Victoria interop,
> and I'd just *love* it if we could reach some consensus there (which
> will probably be helped by the fact that I'm not going to be there).
> So, ideally I'll put out another draft for Victoria given some
> feedback.
> To speed the whole process up, Francois Ochsenbein has suggested a
> short telecon; no date has been set yet, but if you're interested to
> participate, please let me know -- if possible, include your schedule
> (in UTC).
> Cheers,
>         Markus
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