Observation DM Core Components

Mireille Louys mireille.louys at unistra.fr
Tue May 18 23:07:05 PDT 2010

Dear all,

The draft version posted *before* the meeting is on line
at the bottom of the Twiki page:


Note this document will be upgraded and revised during the week , but  
to answer the various comments I had, this will give you an indication  
on how far we are.

The implementation part especially specifies the Obscore table with  
the mandatory fields we have discussed.
Due to the TAP/ADQL implementation, the data model is implemented as a  
set of Utypes.
The structure is flat and would not allow the encapsulation of an STC  
Obsdata structure. STC elements are actually reused inside the model  
as types re-used by the ObsCore Model in the Characterisation subpart.

I also put my 3 viewgraphs on line as a reminder.
Thanks for giving your feedback.

Cheers, Mireille,
DM chair

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