Spectra DM for theoretical spectra?

Petr Skoda skoda at sunstel.asu.cas.cz
Tue Jun 2 03:04:52 PDT 2009

> I am think in particular with spectral libraries (collections of spectra that
> are posteriorly used for other pourposes: e.j: a set of theoretical (and/or) 
> observational stellar

> In this cases there are mixed of observational (Spectrum DM "mandatory") and
> theoretical spectra....

I am afraid we do not have even correct idea what TSAP is - there is no 
document about it - only appendix and example in SSA document and proposal 
of S3 since October 2008. It is not clear how to access the 
theoretical spectra  in clients - both in VOSpec and SPLAT I have to enter 
some name or position to get to list of services.
In VOSPec I have to go to the "Service specific Query" and manualy find 
params - number of clicking to get to the proper list of spectra.

In SPLAT I will get all models as available spectra without possibility of 
selection of parameters ranges.

So the protocol is little vague, the implementation is very 
so after this experience I am not able to conclude that all is handled by 
SSA (SDM) - in SDM there is nothing about Teff or log g (BTW) so I cannot 
imagine how to use the relevant ucd (Teff) in using SDM.

On the other hand I would be glad to have Theory spectra server to which I 
would show my observerved spectrum and ask - find me the best Chi^2 
matching spectrum from your models - so I need somehow specify the set of 
parameters for query. Sometimes is used the trick when you take observed 
spectrum of given star - apply some operations (rotational broadening, RV 
shift), remove some lines (e.g. smoothing of telluric) and the remaining 
is a template - it is a semiteoretical spectrum  of given target - and you 
may create a set of "models" with different treatment

Or imagine the "spectral libraries: of simplified posprocessed spectra 
-  interpolator like ELODIE library - it is  a "theory server" or not ?

I am afraid current TSAP/SSA binding are still very loose and not 
exploiting  fully the potential it has for real spectral analysis.

So what Miguel  is correct and should be solved better that it is 
currently both in DAL and DM part .

Don't forget the VO is here for astronomers! and the SVO people are 
astronomers and know well what they (astronomers) need.

*  Petr Skoda                         Phone : +420-323-649201, ext. 361 * 
*  Stellar Department                         +420-323-620361           *
*  Astronomical Institute AS CR       Fax   : +420-323-620250           *
*  251 65 Ondrejov                    e-mail: skoda at sunstel.asu.cas.cz  *
*  Czech Republic                                                       *

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