Spectra DM for theoretical spectra?

Dobos, Laszlo dobos at pha.jhu.edu
Tue Jun 2 02:56:28 PDT 2009

Hi guys,


One could collect the available spectral model codes and look at the input
parameters to get a common set of the main physical parameters used in these
models to incorporate them in a standard DM. Though I think it’s a tough
job, especially for galactic spectral models because of the many options and
parameters like the star formation history, stellar templates used, etc. I
would suggest defining an extensible DM which has exact instructions on how
to add custom parameters to the data model so model developers  could add
their own parameters also as models evolve. Programs could be written to
understand (or at least display) these custom parameters. It would be also
great to take derived spectra into detailed consideration, like composites,
PCA eigenspectra etc.




Laszlo Dobos

gradute student

Eotvos University, Department of Physics of Complex Systems

Pazmany Peter setany 1/A., 1117 Budapest, Hungary

Office: N 1.66B, Phone: +361-209-0555/6173, Cell: +3630-387-8603

E-mail: dobos at complex.elte.hu




From: Miguel Cerviño [mailto:mcs at iaa.es] 
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 10:36 AM
To: dm at ivoa.net; theory at ivoa.net
Subject: Spectra DM for theoretical spectra?


Hi all,


After the last interop I had find confusing how to represent a theoretical
spectra in the VO.

Most of my problem is related with the characterization/description about
how the spectra has been 

obtained. It is a very important issue for theoretical spectra, specially if
it is going to be used as

input in any workflow (e.j. stellar SED used as input for photoionization).


The Spectra datamodel is perfect for most of the issues, but the
characterization in SimDB 

provides a better description of what the theoretical spectra is.


I had heard in the interop, that if there is a DM of any quantity (like
spectra) it must be used 

this DM, but in the case of theoretical spectra I find it incomplete (there
is no place where I 

can said how the model has been computed and its inputs, that is fundamental

understand what is modeled...). 


Is there any way to take the best of both DM? How?

It is spectra DM mandatory for theoretical spectra or may I make use of
SimDB there?








"Nunca se debe intentar contentar a 

quienes nunca se van a dar por contentos"  

Javier Marias


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