Problems about the Spectrum Data Model from the view of a Web Service programmer

Alasdair Allan aa at
Fri Sep 15 04:45:41 PDT 2006

>> ... However, I don't see why we shouldn't have attribute and  
>> element children of the same element.
> I have no particular problem with that, though in general I'd  
> choose for elements, which are easier to evolve to complexType-s.

Well, me either, but I don't think we should ban complex types,  
sometimes they're useful.

Personally I much prefer

<tagOne attribOne="valueOne">valueTwo</tagOne>


<tagOne attribOne="valueOne" attribTwo="valueTwo" />

depending on the relative importance of the concepts to,


which I think is overly verbose, and I'd actually prefer


to that. But all of this is a style issue, it's about how people  
think about concepts. All 4 of these are valid XML, and all 4 of them  
can be serialised to valid SOAP. So what's the problem again?


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