Spectral DM document update

Inga Kamp kamp at stsci.edu
Tue Oct 10 16:05:17 PDT 2006

Hi Doug,

I am just talking on behalf of my own spectral analysis applications and
as an Astronomer and user of spectral data.

I always used vectors. I wrote applications in Fortran, IDL and some other
older graphic languages. All of them used either ascii or FITS as input.
I believe even today, these are the most common known spectral data
formats in Astronomy. If you present the data in XML, that may be fine for
VO tools who read and interpret the data, but I strongly believe that
Astronomers will still want FITS files and data stored in vectors.

Just my own thoughts,

On Mon, 9 Oct 2006, Doug Tody wrote:

> Hi All -
> I agree with Jonathan that it would be good to hear from some other folks,
> in particular anyone involved in writing spectral analysis applications.
> Which is more natural for analysis, an array of points, or separate
> wavelength (spectral coordinate), flux, and error vectors?
> On Mon, 9 Oct 2006, Paul Harrison wrote:
> > Still not convinced this is an argument for making the XML serialization more
> > vector-like, its all depends on what your idea of an array is - you could
> > still have all the abcissae,ordinate,errors etc.  for a single spectral point
> > localized in memory and then a whole spectrum
> >
> > * in a modern OO language would be an array of "point objects"
> > * in a C like language it could be an array of structs
> > * even in FORTRAN it could be one a big array, just with a index increment of
> >> 1 to obtain the next element of the same physical meaning e.g. Flux
> > (assuming that all the values were stored as the same basic data type)
> Of course we can do this, but for most analysis applications I think
> the first thing applications would do with an array of point structures
> is extract the data vectors.  There are many reasons for this, e.g.,
> plotting packages will want vectors, IDL and Python and IRAF (etc.) want
> vectors, vector-based code is generic and independent of representation,
> whereas a custom point structure will require specialized code, etc.
> Is there some reason that "modern" languages don't like data vectors?
> On Mon, 9 Oct 2006, Roy Williams wrote:
> > On Oct 9, 2006, at 7:53 AM, Doug Tody wrote:
> >> we are talking about bulk data arrays which can be thousands
> >> of points in length.  Ignoring for the moment efficiency concerns, it
> >> is just a whole lot easier to deal with them as a single vector-valued
> >> data element.
> >
> > I seem to recall the same discussion with VOTable about 3 years ago -- why
> > not transpose the table, read it column by column so that it is more
> > efficient for the computers. Does anyone else remember the discussion, the
> > reasons why this was not adopted?
> >
> > If this is to be revisited, then I suggest doing so in the VOTable WG, since
> > the idea of transposing a table is much more general than representation of
> > spectra.
> Both representations are possible; both are vector-based if we consider
> a table column to be a vector (which we can as table packages usually
> contain a capability to extract a table column as a vector).  In fact,
> both representations are currently used in SSA.  The VOTable representation
> stores one spectrum per table, with the data vectors in table columns
> (or PARAMS if they are scalar).  The FITS bintable representation uses
> one table row per spectrum, mainly for compatibility with existing
> FITS-based spectral formats and packages, which also take this approach.
> The spectra-per-row approach also permits multiple spectra per table,
> which is common for storage of instrumental data.
>  	- Doug

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