catalogue DM draft/get-to-gether

posuna at posuna at
Tue May 16 17:38:45 PDT 2006


I attach the doc. There has not been much movement nor comments since
Madrid. I, as chair of the Catalogue DM, can not put a meeting now, as
we all are "booked" to some extent or another. This should have been
organised before.

This does not mean that you can't talk to the people involved. It would
be very nice to get extra information on the catlaogue DM.

As you know, we proposed the DM to be a Source Catalogue DM. The
document reflects this point, and there is now a reference
implementation using this model. I would like Jonathan to give the
go-ahead for the Sourcde Catalogue DM or otherwise. This will be
presented in the DM tomorrow (I think).


Sorry, it seems I can't upload the doc using this mailer. I'll try to
put it in the Twiki...

Quoting Brian Thomas <brian_thomas at>:

 > (apologies in advance, I don't seem to be able to post to the
 > catalog-dm list)
 >        Hi Pedro, Catalogue-DM'ers,
 >        I am looking for the latest draft of the catalogue data model.
 > Is the Twiki really
 >        up to date (draft from Feb 2005)? Or do you have another draft
 > around which I
 >        may see?
 >        I am also interested in discussing this topic with you here at
 > Victoria, but I don't
 >        want to comment based on an old draft. Is there interest in
 > forming a mini-meeting
 >        (perhaps after/at dinner) on Thursday?
 >        =brian

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