Catalogue and Source Data Models

Brian Thomas thomas at
Thu Aug 3 07:50:56 PDT 2006


On Friday 21 July 2006 04:30, Pedro Osuna wrote:
> Dear all,
> as agreed during the last interop meeting at Victoria,  we should
> separate the Data Model definitions of the Catalogue "Container" and the
> "Source Catalogue".
> Therefore, two documents will come out of the current Catalogue Data
> Model working (sub)group:
> Catalogue Container Data Model
> Source Data Model
> (names subject to changes)
> I would like to ask for volunteers to join the Catalogue Container Data
> Model document effort (as the Source Data Model is already quite
> advanced). I would then eventually modify the document under:

	I would like to join the Catalogue Container Data effort. I have 
	prepared some documents of my point of view which may be
	found at:

	Contents of the directory include some older papers outlining 
	some issues with catalogs as well as 2 PNG UML diagrams. These
	are simple diagrams, which I summarize here:

	CollectionAttributes.png : 	UML diagram of the attributes of Collection model. I 
				feel it should be kept simple, but that we need to 
				consider curation state of the collection which is shown.
				Each curation state indicates what members belonged
				to the collection at various points in the past. It may,
				of course, be left empty or be missing for cases of 
				data to be transferred to a scientist/user. Another point
				is that we want to leave the collection to be able
				to aggregate any type of child object, but provide some
				minimal interface for working with the object (perhaps
				via a utype, although I prefer semantic typing using
				rdf:reference). We use this  type of model now for the 
				NOAO Science Archive and for our semantic research.

	CollectionClassInheritance.png : In green are the classes which I think are in scope. It
				would be desireable for the collection class to incorporate
				Characterization in some manner to aid in searches over
				the collection.


> so that it refers only to the Source Data Model and not to the Catalogue
> container, and create a new one for the Container DM.
> I think it should be stressed that we are talking about the _Data Model_
> and not about the "way to access the data", as there is a fundamental
> difference between both and the latter should be dealt with in the
> context of the Data Access Layer group (to whom this mail is copied).
> Please send any comments/suggestions you might have. We will have the
> chance to discuss them at the next interop meeting in Moscow.
> Cheers,
> P.

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