Expressing 2- and 3-D coordinates

Ed Shaya Edward.J.Shaya.1 at
Thu Dec 15 09:31:18 PST 2005

    Did you see my post to the dm list at 12/14/2005 1:15PM?
Xalan extension has str:tokenize which will do the job.

For  Microsoft XSLT, there is an extension library with tokenize plus a 
bunch of other interesting things:

Most XSLTs allow for extensions called EXSLT to allow one to do more 
than just convert XML to XML or text.

And specifically for .NET is EXSLT.NET


Brian Thomas wrote:

>On Thursday 15 December 2005 03:18 pm, Ray Plante wrote:
>>Hi folks,
>>I'd be curious to hear which parser(s) are not processing lists properly.
>	Ray, 
>	I have only tested Xalan (2.6.0). But a quick scan of the web shows
>	much is left to be desired from the most common parsers out there.
>	I need the xs:list datatype and fn:data functions to work for minimal 
>	use of lists within an XML document processing environment (e.g.
>	using XSLT and NOT having to add my own hand-rolled processing
>	instructions).
>	A quick, incomplete review (and I stress "quick" and "incomplete" here) yields 
>	the following information:
>Product Version Notes
>------- ------- -------------------------------
>Xalan   2.6.0   XPATH 1.0 only;
>..Net    2.0     XPATH 2.0 incomplete/missing;
>XMLSpy  ??      XPATH 2.0 partial (??), fn:data not supported in Ed's version, perhaps fixed in latest?
>Saxon   8.6.1   (A/B) - claimed full support of XPATH 2.0
>Orbeon  3.0     Only partial support of XPATH 2.0 (lists/fn:data dont work ??)
>	So only Saxon appears to be a viable solution. In the far away past, I remember 
>	their software was quite slow (and memory hog) compared to other parsers, so 
>	I stayed away from it. Looks like this is a good point to review it again.
>	=brian

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