Modelling small things

Martin Hill mch at
Fri May 14 10:33:58 PDT 2004

Hi all,

Would I be out of place to propose a few small models to the group?  At 
AstroGrid and the AVO we've been dealing with passbands, fluxes and SEDs, and 
I was thinking that I could do a couple of small models on these.  Along with 
a serialisation, it could help us in our interoperability as well.

It would also, of course, give you all a chance for REVENGE... :-)

If this sounds OK, I'll put together a very draft document, meant as a basis 
for discussion, with the same sort of layout as Jonathan's et al.  
Alternatively I could just do a wikki page but I think it'll be a bit big for 



Martin Hill
Astrogrid/AVO, ROE
Tel: 07901 55 24 66

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