A plehtora of Quantities

David Berry dsb at ast.man.ac.uk
Fri May 14 04:33:26 PDT 2004


> > Not really- I think the idea is that the "list inside the Quantity" more
> > closely reflects the general case where you have a whole list of *values*
> > for a single (possibly compound) *phenomenon*. So a Quantity contains a
> > "list of values" (the ValuesList of Mapping) and a description of the
> > single phenomenon (the Frame).
> OK, I understand.  But if we're modelling Phenomemon, then that's a different
> and much bigger thing than Quantity.  Can we have a nice, simple Quanitity as
> a separate product?

Language is a problem - telepathy is what we need! Yes, we need both
things, but what shall we call them? Maybe we should drop the Q word
altogether and use "Value" and "Array" instead. The song "I say potato
and you say potato" springs to mind (but lets not "call the whole thing


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