[CATALOGUE]Second round seeking people....

Pedro Osuna Pedro.Osuna at sciops.esa.int
Mon Aug 30 08:26:57 PDT 2004

Dear all,

after having processed all the mails related to the Catalogue Subgroup
creation, I have seen only two people showing interest in joining the
group, Brian Thomas and Elizabeth Auden.
I have, however, seen a lot of interesting discussions, so I'd again
insist in having more people joining the group. 

For the time being, I'll consider the group as being formed by
Elizabeth, Brian, Jonathan (as head of the general group), Jesus
(Salgado) and myself, to whom more restricted mails will be sent
whenever appropriate.

With respect to all the mails received, they give a lot of meat to
discuss, as expected from my original mail, so we will start with
internal discussions and let the rest of the general DM group know with
a proper "[CATALOGUE]" header as already agreed whenever appropriate.


Pedro Osuna Alcalaya

Software Engineer
European Space Astronomy Center
e-mail: Pedro.Osuna at esa.int
Tel + 34 91 8131314
European Space Agency
VILLAFRANCA Satellites Tracking Station
P.O. Box 50727
E-28080 Villafranca del Castillo

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