[Data Characterisation]: Spatial domain models comparison

Doug Tody dtody at nrao.edu
Wed Nov 5 17:20:47 PST 2003

Alberto -

I have been working on a new version of my attempt at a uniform model which
folds in sampling information.  This is based mainly on Pat's CVO model.
I will try to incorporate your stuff as well before I post the next version
(which should be soon!).  Pat is actually the one responsible for pulling
all this together for the final data model.  We have been hoping to use
this in SSA but at this point this is doubtful for the prototype due out
in December.  I don't see how we can develop all the desired infrastructure
in time.  If not, we can include it in the next versions.

The revised strategy is to replace the "bandpass" data model with a
more general "sampling" data model which includes the bandpass information
as the sampling range.  Dataset ID and spatial (sky) coverage information
are also included.  The intention is to include anything which is an
attribute of a generic dataset.  Subclasses such as image and spectrum
add additional information.

The hard thing is to decide what to leave out because it is already going
to be addressed elsewhere (the same thing goes for e.g., quantity).

	- Doug

On Thu, 6 Nov 2003, Alberto Micol wrote:

> Dear All,
> I have tried to compare the spatial part (to start with) of the various
> coverage models I have seen so far.
> Notes:
>    1. Polarisation not included.
>    2. Probably too biased towards the optical regime; please, X, Radio,
>       Interferometry experts: intervene!
>    3. Bob, Pat, Doug: My apologies if I have missed something, please
>       send me any necessary corrections.
>    4. Suggested names are likely to change after similar work on other
>       axes is carried out (aim: uniform description of different axes).
>    5. I still have to read Arnold's STC Metadata document! It should
>       really be included in the comparison here. But since reading it
>       could take me a while, may I ask you
>       Arnold to help me filling the gap ? sorry ...
> Alberto
> http://archive.eso.org/~amicol/VO/DM/coverage/spatial_comparison.html 
> <http://archive.eso.org/%7Eamicol/VO/DM/coverage/spatial_comparison.html>

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