[Quantity] : Use case document on Twiki

Brian Thomas brian.thomas at gsfc.nasa.gov
Mon Nov 3 10:04:20 PST 2003

	Hi all,

	After talking with Jonathan last week I have adopted (and adapted) his 
	summary email into a working "use-case" document at the URL:


	This document has comments from a variety of you on the list, so please take
	a look to make sure your views are represented correctly. As no one
	responded specifically to my earlier request on a time line for "finalizing" a draft of
	 what are the important use-cases, I will suggest that one week from now, I will try 
	to summarize the use-case document into groupings of "accepted" (all respondents agree),
	"tentative" (mixed response to use-case/issue) and "not accepted (no respondant
	agreed the case was important for quantities) and we may proceed from there
	depending on the level of concensus. Hopefully in a few weeks from now, we 
	will have a relatively stable "quantity" use-case/requirement document.

	So please take a look at the document and edit your thoughts in appropriately.
	If you see some issue/use-case is missing, then please add it, and inform
	the dm list so that others may weigh in on your use-case/issue.




  * Dr. Brian Thomas 

  * Code 630.1 
  * Goddard Space Flight Center NASA

  *   fax: (301) 286-1775
  * phone: (301) 286-6128

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