RWP04: Registry Replication

Alberto Micol Alberto.Micol at
Wed Apr 30 04:17:33 PDT 2003

>    (
>       TYPE="white dwarf star" AND
>       (WAVELENGTH="optical" OR WAVELENGTH="uv") AND
>       (KEYWORD="BPM 16274" OR
>          KEYWORD="GD 50" OR
>          KEYWORD="HST photometric standards"
>       )
>    )
> then one way of presenting this in XML is shown ... etc

Dear Keith,

Type of services:

   The first problem I have is that the query does not esplicitly
   defines what type of services you want to identify in the registry.

   I think a SERVICE_TYPE is required. It could take some values
   like "catalogue browser", "data archive", "documentation", etc.
   If someone is interested in ANY service type, then the query should
   explicit that with a constraint like:


Type of objects:

   You use the constraint TYPE="white dwarf star"
   This is not a service_type, but specifies what class of objects the user
   is interested in. It should be probably called OBJECT_TYPE.

   The main problem here is in the value: "white dwarf star"

   How is that going to be used ?
   Will only resources matching exactly "white dwarf star" be returned ?
   What if the resource I maintain lists OBJECT_TYPE="white dwarf" ?
   It will not match ...
   We have to come up with a standard list, a thesaurus,
   to homogenise those types!

   Probably the best thing is to start with the IAU thesaurus
   (but I remember other similar efforts like the IUE object class ...).


   Wavelength is another item value you defined.
   Here the Data Model should intervene with a proper definition both for the
   name of the item (I remember a joke by Jonathan McDowell that introduced
   the FREWAVERGY!), and for the values (optical and uv are ok, but we need
   to define many more).


   As you presented this, it looks like KEYWORD is a generic container,
   which could take very different values spanning from object names (GD 50)
   to more or less free text (HST photometric standards).

   Maybe this is too generic ... ?
   One of the problem I have with the registry is that I do not know
   in advance whether a service will list a certain characteristic
   in its metadata, or within the data itself.
   The "GD 50" white dwarf might be listed in a set of resource keywords,
   in some other cases it will be a record in a resource (eg an entry
   in a  catalogue of white dwarfs);
   in this second case your query will fail, even though the object is to
   be found in the resource.

   I described the same problem in the Rwp02 astrovirtel use case for the
   Distance attribute, where a catalogue might offer the distance as a field
   in its records, or there could be a metadata keyword saying that the objects
   in a catalog are all to be found within so many mega parsec.


My main point here is that the registry must describe things using
not only a well defined set of keywords,
but also a well defined set of keyword values!

Phometric aspects (the Wavelength values): it will be
the Data Model WG to come up with a proper description and set of values;

service_types and other service (or resource) specific metadata
(I mean non-Bob's document for level 0, but other keywords for deeper levels)
will be defined by the Registry WG.

What I do not know is:
Who's coming up with things like a standard list of object types ?
Do we need one ? (I think so ... the IAU thesaurus might show the way)


Alberto.Micol at                         Tel: +49 89 32006365
HST Science Archive       ST-ECF              Fax: +49 89 32006480
ESA/RSSD/SN               c/o ESO             Karl Schwarzschild Str.2,   No ads, thanks.     Garching bei Muenchen,     HTML emails         D-85748 Germany

Keith Noddle wrote:

> Thanks for the feedback Ray - much appreciated!
> I think we're all converging on the model proposed by Tony which, to
> paraphrase Ray, is the full-(specialist/limited)-(source/private) model.
> I think this pretty much satisfies the points raise by Wil and Ray as
> well as meeting most of the useful requirements I originally proposed.
> I'll start work on the design and get something posted on the IVOA Wiki
> for comment - I'm conscious of the need to get a presentation together
> in short order for Cambridge!
> The other major aspect of the RWP04 work is the development of a
> registry query schema. Tony, Elizabeth and I have been working on
> something similar(!) for AstroGrid and whilst we don't yet have schema,
> we have a simple example XML query (below) upon which I would welcome
> everyone's comments. We are looking into XQuery/XPath, but that might
> not be appropriate for the current iteration of AstroGrid. Again, your
> comments would be welcome.
> Keith.
> --
> Keith Noddle                    Phone:  +44 (0)116 223 1894
> AstroGrid Technical Lead        Fax:    +44 (0)116 252 3311
> Dept of Physics & Astronomy     Mobile: +44 (0)7721 926 461
> University of Leicester         Email:  ktn at
> Leicester, UK   LE1 7RH         Web:
> --------------------------------------------
> If the query we are trying to satisfy can be expressed in pseudo-SQL as:
> SELECT * FROM <registry> WHERE
>    (
>       TYPE="white dwarf star" AND
>       (WAVELENGTH="optical" OR WAVELENGTH="uv") AND
>       (KEYWORD="BPM 16274" OR
>          KEYWORD="GD 50" OR
>          KEYWORD="HST photometric standards"
>       )
>    )
> then one way of presenting this in XML is shown below
> <query>
>    <selectionSequence>
>       <selection>
>          <item>type</item>
>          <value>white dwarf star</value>
>       </selection>
>       <operator>AND</operator>
>       <selectionSequence>
>          <selection>
>             <item>wavelength</item>
>             <value>optical</value>
>          </selection>
>          <operator>OR</operator>
>          <selection>
>             <item>wavelength</item>
>             <value>uv</value>
>          </selection>
>       </selectionSequence>
>       <operator>AND</operator>
>       <selectionSequence>
>          <selection>
>             <item>keyword</item>
>             <value>BPM 16274</value>
>          </selection>
>          <operator>OR</operforator>
>          <selection>
>             <item>keyword</item>
>             <value>GD 50</value>
>          </selection>
>          <operator>OR</operator>
>          <selection>
>             <item>keyword</item>
>             <value>HST photometric standards</value>
>          </selection>
>       </selectionSequence>
>    </selectionSequence>
> </query>
> This only requires 6 tags and is sufficiently flexible to cope with most
> queries I can think of - but I'm not an astronomer...!
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