Comments on Canadian VO data model

Patrick Dowler patrick.dowler at
Mon Apr 28 16:47:00 PDT 2003

        I hate it when I have to respond to myself...

On April 28, 2003 12:25, Patrick Dowler wrote:
> The things common to every Entry are:
> - an identifier unique within the Catalog (Long: 64-bit integer)
> - a set/array of EntryProp(s)
> The things common to every EntryProp are:
> - entry id : Long - identifier for the "parent" Entry
> - property id : Short - identifier for this property, from the
> EntryPropMap
> - tuple id : Short - unique identifier for this tuple (EntryProp) amoung

Here I am mistaken. The entry_id only exists within an Entry, and even then
only within an Entry that has been added to a Catalog. The EntryProp does
not know the entry_id of the parent.... (in practice, one may store/extract 
things this way, but it is an implementation detail not exposed by the API).

Patrick Dowler
Tel/Tél: (250) 363-6914 | Fax: (250) 363-0045
Canadian Astronomy Data Centre    | Centre canadien de donnees astronomiques
National Research Council Canada  | Conseil national de recherches Canada
Government of Canada                   | Gouvernement du Canada
5071 West Saanich Road                | 5071, chemin West Saanich
Victoria, BC                                   | Victoria (C.-B.)

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