non vo standard listing

August Muench august.muench at
Wed May 29 19:59:50 CEST 2024

Hi Markus,

I do not see a reason to press for Crossref, but I would press (and hope others will as well) for  ESA has, for instance, already embedded tags in their data landing pages and worked on the linking to Crossref (though they are moving to Datacite) metadata.

Masson, A., De Marchi, G., Merin, B., Sarmiento, M. H., Wenzel, D. L., & Martinez, B. (2021), Advances in Space Research, 67, 2504.

Additional bibliography is below my signature.


Abu Ahmad, R., D'Souza, J., Zloch, M., Otto, W., Rehm, G., Oelen, A., Dietze, S., & Auer, S. (2024), Toward FAIR Semantic Publishing of Research Dataset Metadata in the Open Research Knowledge Graph, arXiv e-prints, arXiv:2404.08443.

Cecconi, B. (2024), FAIR approach for Low Frequency Radio Astronomy, arXiv e-prints, arXiv:2401.03769.

Hertwig, E., Lammert, A., Höck, H., Fast, A., & Thiemann, H. (2023), WDCC - Improvement of FAIRness of an established repository, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-5047.

Zwölf, C. M., & Moreau, N. (2023), Assessment of the FAIRness of the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre following the Research Data Alliance evaluation framework, European Physical Journal D, 77, 70.

From: datacp <datacp-bounces at> on behalf of Markus Demleitner via datacp <datacp at>
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2024 11:30
To: datacp at
Subject: Re: non vo standard listing

Hi Gus,

On Wed, May 29, 2024 at 11:05:10AM +0000, August Muench via datacp wrote:
> While I think that the "DOI" listing is useful, it is also only the
> tip of an iceberg!
> Datacite:

That one I'd list, yes; it greatly influences some of our
vocabularies, at the very least.  And of course it's where our DOIs
will come from, mostly.

> Crossref:

Are we doing anything with Crossref?  I couldn't point any specific
place, if you don't want to count DOIs in content/source in the
Registry that might contain Crossref-minted DOIs -- and I'd prefer
not to count this.


Again, I couldn't point to any specific place we're doing anything
with stuff coming out of  If I may indulge in a personal
remark, I'm actually rather happy that we don't, given that, quoting

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