Provide VOTable with metadata tracing Origin.

gilles landais gilles.landais at
Fri Feb 16 16:27:31 CET 2024

Hello all!

Thank you Markus and Alberto for this note.

I read it with a lot of interest and I have questions.

BIBvo provides a way to link an article to datasets (registered in the 
VO registry).
Candidate for bibliographic harvesting need  a DOI and an 
ExportRequested tag in the registry record and a biblink service.

* About the ExportRequested date

with ExportRequested, you specify that the data are available to be 
harvested and you put a date on it.
I'm a little confused with this date which completes the existing date 
"Created" , "Updated" already available in the VOResource curation.
Why to separate "Updated" and "ExportRequested" dates?
Isn't there a risk of desynchronization between the "Updated" date 
(after a modification like to append an author list) and the 
"ExportRequested" date.

* Making VO Resources Citable -

This suggests that datasets would be included in bibliographic services, 
with their metadata coming from the registry.
Then it becomes important that the bibliographic service is synchronized 
with the "update" happening in the registry.
Adding dataset inputs is great, Would it be possible (in a next step) to 
extend the article-dataset links to link a dataset to an other dataset?

* About the biblink-harvest endpoint, you propose a service that provide 
JSON in output and you specify also that "link record can be interpreted 
as an RDF triple".
Well ! do you have also a plan to include RDF in the serialization ?  
For instance, a RDF exploited with JSON-LD header?

Thank you for the note


Gilles Landais

Le 24/01/2024 à 14:52, gilles landais a écrit :
> Dear DataCP followers,
> The version 1.1 of DataOrigin is available.
> It improves traceability for VO users, help them to understand result 
> sets
> and facilitate data reuse and citation.
> Data Origin is a light Provenance, made up of a lists of terms , easily
> added in VOTable. In this new version, some terms have been modified
> to have something more compatible with VOResource (registry).
> The text and the plan have been revised too.
> see:
> Thank for all contributors and implementers !
> Gilles Landais

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