DCP session in Sao Paulo

Jose Enrique Ruiz jer at iaa.es
Mon Oct 15 01:00:01 PDT 2012

Hi Alberto, all
I would like to give a 15 min. presentation on some of the most relevant
topics we are dealing in the Wf4Ever project, which are Research Objects as
a aggregations of all the digital artefacts related with a final


Jose Enrique Ruiz
Instituto Astrofisica Andalucía - CSIC
Glorieta de la Astronomía s/n
18009 Granada, Spain
Tel: +34 958 230 618

2012/9/11 Alberto Accomazzi <aaccomazzi at cfa.harvard.edu>

> Dear colleagues,
> Our next interop is a few weeks away and I'd like to find out what topics
> we should have in our Data Curation and Preservation meeting.  I get the
> sense that attendance will be light, and some topics of interest to our
> group might be already covered by the Semantics WG, so we may want to
> consider a joint session instead.
> Thanks,
> -- Alberto
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