towards a DataLink IVOA Note

Alberto Accomazzi aaccomazzi at
Sat Oct 15 11:03:38 PDT 2011

Hi Francoise,

Thank you for bringing the discussion to DC&P.  Just a couple of 
additional thoughts on this:

1. All the projects which make use of DataCite that I know of are quite 
happy with a "macro" approach, which involves assigning a single DOI to 
all the data products published in a paper/study.  I will show an 
examples of this in my talk.  This does not mean that we can't go any 
finer, but it's just something to be aware of when the question of 
scaling comes up.

2. The issue of what should be a citeable nugget and how it should be 
expressed in a document is yet a separate problem, as is the technical 
issue of how the resource should be de-referenced and what safeguards 
exist behind the infrastructure that supports this de-referencing.

Unfortunately it's hard to talk about one issue without bringing into 
the discussion the other(s), which often only makes taking decisions 
more difficult.

Francoise, is 10 minutes enough for your DC&P presentation?  Originally 
I thought you would just say something about the WDS, but maybe there's 
more you want to say.  Please let me know so I can arrange the schedule 

-- Alberto

Francoise Genova wrote, On 10/15/11 1:06 PM:
> (for the readers who are on the datacp list and not on the
> dal list: the strating point for this discussion is
> on the dal list)
> Hi Norman,
> I tend to think that having sustainable solutions
> for data citation is a critical requirement
> (ie, the funding model and its sustainability is
> not a detail). I remember very well at the
> beginning of the web, when CDS/ADS/NED and
> the journals decided to use the bibcode/refcode
> to network bibliographic services:  
> at that time it was not at all evident to see
> who was going to win the battle which was finally
> won by the DOI for which concerns bibliographic
> reference citations. 
> I'll post the talk I have prepared
> for the DataCP meeting.
> It contains two links to recent meetings/actions
> which tend to show that the debate on solutions for
> which concerns citations of data (or even on a
> compilation of best practices in that domain) is not over:
> and
> I would be interested to know if there is detailed information
> somewhere about the scalability of the DataCite solution.
> People I know from other disciplines who push for it
> want to declare 'campaign' data sets, and not each observation
> of a large observatory which is operated for many years.
> Cheers
> Francoise

Dr. Alberto Accomazzi                  aaccomazzi(at)cfa harvard edu
Program Manager
NASA Astrophysics Data System              
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden St, MS 83, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

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