towards a DataLink IVOA Note

Francoise Genova genova at
Sat Oct 15 10:06:06 PDT 2011

(for the readers who are on the datacp list and not on the
dal list: the strating point for this discussion is
on the dal list)

Hi Norman,

I tend to think that having sustainable solutions
for data citation is a critical requirement
(ie, the funding model and its sustainability is
not a detail). I remember very well at the
beginning of the web, when CDS/ADS/NED and
the journals decided to use the bibcode/refcode
to network bibliographic services:  
at that time it was not at all evident to see
who was going to win the battle which was finally
won by the DOI for which concerns bibliographic
reference citations. 

I'll post the talk I have prepared
for the DataCP meeting.
It contains two links to recent meetings/actions
which tend to show that the debate on solutions for
which concerns citations of data (or even on a
compilation of best practices in that domain) is not over:


I would be interested to know if there is detailed information
somewhere about the scalability of the DataCite solution.
People I know from other disciplines who push for it
want to declare 'campaign' data sets, and not each observation
of a large observatory which is operated for many years.



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