Interop DC&P program

Pierre Le Sidaner pierre.lesidaner at
Wed May 4 23:58:15 PDT 2011

Le 04/05/2011 23:23, Alberto Accomazzi a écrit :
> We have scheduled a single session for the Data Curation and 
> Preservation Interest group at the Naples interop meeting.  I'm 
> writing to solicit talks on any and all topics of interest to the 
> community. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend the meeting due 
> to prior commitments, and have asked Arnold Rots to chair the session 
> on my behalf.
> One topic that I would like to suggest is reviewing the current 
> efforts for publishing and linking data to the literature.  We as a 
> community have done a pretty good job at archiving high-value data 
> products but our efforts have not been as successful in citing them as 
> we had hoped.  I have just drafted a short document that attempts to 
> summarize the current situation in preparation for a special session 
> which will be held at the upcoming AAS meeting in Boston: 
> I would welcome input and/or comments on the document and solicit a 
> discussion at the Interop meeting as well as participation to the 
> special session ( from those who plan to be at 
> the conference.
> Related to this, I would suggest a presentation on the document that 
> Norman Gray has authored on the use of long-term URIs in astronomy and 
> a discussion on whether the IVOA should do anything to endorse 
> solutions or best practices related to this.  Norman and Thomas or 
> Sebastien may also want to give us an update on their discussions 
> about creating URIs for SIMBAD objects (even if this is just 
> brainstorming at this point).
> If anybody would like to make additional presentations please let me 
> and Arnold know and we'll add them to the program.
> Thanks,
> -- Alberto
Hi Alberto

It's to short for Napoli, but we should have a talk on data model for 
preservation (may be in Puna).
we had a recent discussion with a colleague in CNES who handle and 
promote data.
our conclusion is that you need in fact a data model for data 
preservation very extendible, who include a lot of feature of provenance.

and "serialise" another one for publication, who can be efficient in 
term of query. The one you make for your databases.
I think VO help a lot in defining the data model for preservation with 
observation, STC and provenance... I think we should start to define our 
need in term of "peripheral data" like meteorological condition ... to 
extend the vo data model for preservation.
As usual the lack of time always delay the work I want to do on it.

Just a proposition


                            Pierre Le Sidaner
                         Observatoire de Paris

Division Informatique de l'Observatoire
Observatoire Virtuel 01 40 51 20 89
61, avenue de l'Observatoire 75014 Paris

mailto:pierre.lesidaner at


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