Interop DC&P program

Alberto Accomazzi aaccomazzi at
Wed May 4 14:23:32 PDT 2011

We have scheduled a single session for the Data Curation and 
Preservation Interest group at the Naples interop meeting.  I'm writing 
to solicit talks on any and all topics of interest to the community. 
Unfortunately I will not be able to attend the meeting due to prior 
commitments, and have asked Arnold Rots to chair the session on my behalf.

One topic that I would like to suggest is reviewing the current efforts 
for publishing and linking data to the literature.  We as a community 
have done a pretty good job at archiving high-value data products but 
our efforts have not been as successful in citing them as we had hoped. 
  I have just drafted a short document that attempts to summarize the 
current situation in preparation for a special session which will be 
held at the upcoming AAS meeting in Boston:
I would welcome input and/or comments on the document and solicit a 
discussion at the Interop meeting as well as participation to the 
special session ( from those who plan to be at the 

Related to this, I would suggest a presentation on the document that 
Norman Gray has authored on the use of long-term URIs in astronomy and a 
discussion on whether the IVOA should do anything to endorse solutions 
or best practices related to this.  Norman and Thomas or Sebastien may 
also want to give us an update on their discussions about creating URIs 
for SIMBAD objects (even if this is just brainstorming at this point).

If anybody would like to make additional presentations please let me and 
Arnold know and we'll add them to the program.

-- Alberto

Dr. Alberto Accomazzi                  aaccomazzi(at)cfa harvard edu
Program Manager
NASA Astrophysics Data System              
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden St, MS 83, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

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