Error in the WD-STC-S-1.0-20130918 document?

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Wed Nov 29 11:09:20 CET 2023

Hi FX,

On Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 04:58:34PM +0100, F.-X. Pineau wrote:
> I am implementing a STC-S parser (in Rust, obviously) from the
> WD-STC-S-1.0-20130918 document:
> >

Do you have a strong reason to do that?  You see, I've once written a
halfway complete one (if you're interested:, and I've
regretted it, as there is little use for it.

The operationally (still) relevant subset for specifying geometries
is in section 6 of TAP 1.0

Even there, there's no formal specficiation, and really, nobody wants
to touch the whole mess; in our DALI discussions, there was zero
enthusiasm for moving that material into that spec (where it could
become normative).  See the current DALI 1.2 WD for the sort of types
we would like to use in the future.

But, well, the TAP 1.0 STC-S subset at least is (still) in active

> Is the grammar wrong?
> Is there an 'official/original' STC-S parser that could be used as a
> reference?
> Should an erratum be issued?

The document is a (fairly rough) working draft, so there wouldn't be
an erratum but a new working draft.

But nobody has touched the WD in a decade, and I don't see that
change, in particular since the underlying data model (STC 1.03) has
been superseded by Coords and Meas in the meantime.

My take would be: Let's move that WD to the "Obsolete IVOA documents"
section in the doc repo.  It keeps confusing people who are actually
looking for the TAP 1.0 geometry specification.

        -- Markus

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