PSA: Postgres has extra_float_digits

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Thu Dec 10 09:58:44 CET 2020

Dear DAL implementors,

While this may be common knowledge given there is a fairly prominent
warning in the Postgres docs, I have to admit it's eluded me up to

  Postgres by default swallows least significant bits in the
  mantissas of floats over its normal wire protocol.

This has recently been a bit of an embarrassment to me
(, and so I
thought it might be a good idea to send a heads-up to others who are
writing code serving science data through postgres.  The TL;DR is:

If you want to serve out bit-exact floats from your Postgres, make
sure it runs with extra_float_digits=3 set in one way or another.

        -- Markus

(who'd be curious if other RDMSes have similar practices; sqlite, for
one, doesn't seem to according to a quick experiment I've just run).

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