
Petr Skoda skoda at
Sat Oct 12 00:38:53 CEST 2019

I am afraid that with trials to assign some semantics
we are re-entering the problem of controlled vacabulary , its management 
etc ...

in fact the products that may be wanted by the community need not be just
time  vs- some variable but also a (quite complex) function of time

this is what we tried to address in our note

e.g. fig.17 - the LIGO requirements - frequency vs strain

or I can imagine in asteroseismology  people have power spectrum - i.e.
Fourier transform vs frequency ....

so the

timeseries-X    has X from a kind of vocabulary ?
In fact the visibility in radio is by definiton as well a complex function 
of time ....

could  we somehow use UCD (and add missing ones - e.g. the mirror 
strain )?

and their combination ?

>  and 
> Hi All,
> Following the DAL session this afternoon we need a specification to know 
> the content of datalink.
> Having a look at it it looks like the field “semantics” is the place?
> This is important for time series data, which is distributed via 
> datalink more and more often.
> The term timeseries would not be enough by itself to know what the 
> content of datalink is since it could be light curves (tabular data), 
> images or spectra. These are the most common cases, and I would like to 
> propose a common usage, e.g.:
> timeseries-lightcurve
> timeseries-radialvelocities
> timeseries-spectra
> timeseries-images

BTW so far all such cases look like datacube sliced along the time axis .

> Opinions or comments? Does this make sense to you?

BTW I did not see the DM session - how this need (e.g. series of spectra ) 
is interpreted in client ?
like an animation ?

pointer to the directory where the bunch of spectra is stored ?


> Ada

*  Petr Skoda                         Phone : +420-323-649201, ext. 361 *
*  Stellar Department                         +420-323-620361           *
*  Astronomical Institute CAS         Fax   : +420-323-620250           *
*  251 65 Ondrejov                    e-mail: skoda at  *
*  Czech Republic                             skoda at          *

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