Odd preview terms in public datalink vocabulary?

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Fri Apr 28 11:08:58 CEST 2017


On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 08:59:16AM -0700, Patrick Dowler wrote:
> The vocabulary doc at that URL is an old (draft) one and I have tried
> several times to work with web site maintainer to fix this and expose
> the right one (only). That has not been successful.


> but the .htaccess magic to pick the latest version from
> http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/datalink/core
> isn't working. The old doc should be deleted and the 2014-10-30 one is
> the first correct one. I think the .htaccess magic is probably clever
> but not the right way to go; I would probably go with something that

Oh, it's really not complicated at all -- what seems to be the
problem?  I've set it up in literally minutes for the four VOResource
vocabularies on my own box at http://docs.g-vo.org/vocab-test, and
it's implemented straightforwardly in the software for the vocabulary
(convert.py, vocabs.conf).

I think it's actually the sanest way to make sure usual clients use
the latest version of some resource while special software actually
caring about these details can use (and figure out what they use)
strictly versioned files.  I am actually pretty sure it's the only
way we can sensibly pull off the new schema versioning scheme
(http://ivoa.net/documents/Notes/XMLVers/index.html -- still in RFC,
still waiting for comments from the public and one WG).

Let's fix whatever's broken with the vocabulary -- I volunteer to
work out what's wrong.  Are people with the necessary privileges on
ivoa.net in Shanghai?

     -- Markus

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