Fwd: ADQL-2.1 Working Draft available on the repo

Marco Molinaro molinaro at oats.inaf.it
Mon May 9 10:21:46 CEST 2016

Dear Ger,
I forward your enquiry to the DAL mailing list, being this of interest
to the full community.

I have, personally, not a strong opinion on this.

The reserved ABS keyword, together with other ones referring to
functions in ADQL, comes from the initial ADQL specification, now
under revision.
So the answer can be as simple as the second paragraph in $2.1.2 of
the spec (refer to either 2.0 or 2.1 version): special meaning and
escaping solution in place.

I let the other ADQL experts comment deeper on the topic.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Subject: Re: ADQL-2.1 Working Draft available on the repo

Hi Marco,

I'm a bit surprised to see that function names like ABS are reserved
ADQL keywords. A parser does not need it to distinguish between
function names and identifiers. So why is that?


Ger van Diepen

>>> Marco Molinaro <molinaro at oats.inaf.it> 5/3/2016 11:32 AM >>>

Dear all,
is now available in the IVOA Document Repository
the Working Draft for the ADQL-2.1 specification:


(PDF and HTML format there, plus volute source)
The WD will be presented with current updates at
the oncoming Interop in Cape Town (DAL 1, next Tuesday).
Comments and discussions are welcome there as well
as on the DAL mailing list.

     François & Marco (your DAL chair and vice) and Dave (the editor)

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