TAP services?

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Tue Aug 3 09:18:37 PDT 2010

Dear DAL folks,

While building a service that harvests the TAP servers out there for
their TAP schemata, I was sort of dismayed to notice that all the
registries list in terms of TAP servers are some 20 DSA-based servers
(well, some know mine as well).  That's particularly unfortunate
since DSA so far doesn't support the TAP_SCHEMA...

So -- what gives?  There are some TAP servers out there, no?  Is
there any special reason why you haven't regeistred them?

[Full disclosure: I'm going to run a conference ad on Sept 1x during
which I'd like to upload one TAP service's output into another TAP
service, and it would be cool if I had some choice as to the the
first one, not to mention the wow factor with the audience if there
are lots of TAP services showing up in VODesktop...]

While I'm talking: I have yet another TAP implementation up at
http://vo.uni-hd.de/tap which is supposed to be reasonably complete
(including upload and some more esoteric features like preservation
of the VOTable mime:-).

Of course it's largely untested (if you don't count my own client
library that's coming up soon, too), so I'd appreciate if you could
pound it (or point me to its weaknesses in some more polite way).

Though I still haven't made a real distribution, you'd make a humble
VO citizen very happy if you'd consider the software behind that
service for your site.  There's some docs at
http://vo.uni-hd.de/odoc, and I promise to improve it as users show
up.  And I'll try to help with the many warts the software still has,
except I'll be on vacation the coming two weeks.

Finally, other TAP implementors may be interested in
-- these are stylesheets for some TAP-related documents, inspired by
what Astrogrid DSA has.  The intention is to have them in the public
domain[1], and you'd be welcome to use them (and possibly extend them --
for starters, there's no upload form yet, and some themeability would
be nice).  The documents at http://vo.uni-hd.de/tap/async use these
style sheets, if you want to preview.



[1] Anyone that may have a claim on the idea or content: you wouldn't
mind, would you?

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