DSA/Catalogue 2009.1.03

Guy Rixon gtr at ast.cam.ac.uk
Wed Nov 18 08:07:11 PST 2009

At the recent IVOA meeting, I demonstrated a TAP service made out of  
AstroGrid code. The software for this is now available in a new  
version, v2009.1.03, that sticks more closely to the TAP standard.

You can download the software from here:


and its technical documents (release notes, installation instructions  
etc.) are here:


Please note that this is not the version pointed to by the AstroGrid  
deployment site (http://deployer.astrogrid.org/). I do not have access  
to update that site.

I have a version of VODesktop that can drive a TAP service. This is  
not released yet, but I could send copies privately to anybody who is  
interested; email me if you want one. I hope that the new features  
will soon be formally released in VODesktop 1.3.1.

Please note that  VODesktop v1.3, which is the most-recent release  
from AstroGrid at the time of writing, cannot  drive TAP 1.0 services.  
It tries to but, as demonstrated in the DA/Apps session, fails to  
deliver. That version of VODesktop is actually correct for an old,  
obsolete draft of TAP and is no good for current implementations of  
TAP services.

Best regards,
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