Spectral cutout service

Robert Hanisch hanisch at stsci.edu
Tue Sep 30 07:47:39 PDT 2008

Hi Petr.  This is exactly my interpretation of the SSAP document, i.e., that
you do this with two variants of the service.


On 9/30/08 9:18 AM, "Petr Skoda" <skoda at sunstel.asu.cas.cz> wrote:

> Hi Bob,
> This is exactly what I mean - the chapters about virtual data and
> service types are very general and it is the reason why I am asking for
> more detail. In 4.1.1 is written that BAND is mandatory and service should
> use it (and other params) to CONSTRAIN query.
> What I want to do is just get all Halpha regions from a bunch of spectra
> (e.g.) - advantage for especially echelle merged spectra - it will
> download quickly and show only what you want.
> And to be done the easiest way I simple want to create one service for
> cutout and one for whole spectra.
> so
> http://myarchive/archive.cgi?POS=..&SIZE=..&BAND=6350e-10/6780e-10&FORMAT=FITS
> would give whole spectra containing Halfa line
> http://myarchive/cutout.cgi?POS=..&SIZE=&BAND=6450e-10/6780e-10&FORMAT=FITS
> would deliver only the Halfa region - This seams to me now the easiest way
> and it requires only the BAND that is already supported (AFAIK) in
> But I would like to have this approved before implementing...
> but the spectral bandpass can be a numeric range list, as is shown
>> in the example in section of SSAP V1.04.
>   This range can be used to
>> limit the scope of a search, but an SSAP service could (but is not required
>> to) generate a spectral cutout for just the requested region.
> This is what I did not seen in SSAP (talking about BAND)
> Thanks for supporting my idea ...
> *************************************************************************
> *  Petr Skoda                         Phone : +420-323-649201, ext. 361 *
> *  Stellar Department                         +420-323-620361           *
> *  Astronomical Institute AS CR       Fax   : +420-323-620250           *
> *  251 65 Ondrejov                    e-mail: skoda at sunstel.asu.cas.cz  *
> *  Czech Republic                                                       *
> *************************************************************************

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