DAL-1 minutes, conclusion of follow-on mtg.

Markus Dolensky Markus.Dolensky at eso.org
Tue May 15 01:30:38 PDT 2007

Keith pointed out another action:

> "2. The VOSI document will be updated to reflect the changes agreed. The 
> VOSI definition acts as an Abstract Definition from which other 
> service-types (including SSA) inherit the call structure whilst 
> providing metadata details appropriate to their purpose."
> Then renumber the remaining points.

1. The definition of method GetCapabilities will be split off and specified in a
separate document.
2. see above
3. Method GetCapabilities will be added as an additional interface in a future
version; this will be explained in the document.
4. The meta data mode (FORMAT=METADATA) a la SIA V1.0 will be taken over in SSA
V1.0; M. Dolensky tasked to update document


p.s. Keith: originally I thought your comment sent via private mail was about
the SSA draft not on the minutes; clarified; thanks for pointing this out

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