other SLAP remarks
moreau nicolas
nicolas.moreau at obspm.fr
Tue Feb 7 01:59:24 PST 2006
My remarks concern te 6.1 section of the SLAP v0.2 document, which
describes standard output fields.
The utype of the initial_level field is "Line.initialLevel.name". But
the "name" attribute doesn't appear in the Level class in the "atomic
and molecular Lines data model v0.4" document. The same problem occurs
with the final_level field.
The initial_level_energy and final_level_energy fields have a "int"
datatype. But the DM describes it as a double and indeed I find that
double is a better choice for this value.
Finally, I've a question. What is the purpose of the "title" attribute
of the Line class. Is it really useful to give a name to each line ? A
line is already described by its other attributes, a textual description
will be very general.
Nicolas Moreau, Observatoire de Paris-Meudon-Nancay
LERMA 01 45 07 79 76
mail:nicolas.moreau at obspm.fr
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