SIAP with Logical Names

Roy Williams roy at
Tue May 25 08:44:19 PDT 2004

As discussed in the DAL session this morning, please find below the proposed
extension of SIA to include "Logical Names".
-- Roy


Extending the SIAP with Logical Names

In the SIAP protocol, there are two parts: a metadata service that returns a
VOTable of images and their metadata, and each row of that table contains a
URL to a data service that will fetch an actual image in FITS or JPEG or
some other format.

The SIAP protocol defines the nature of the columns of the table that is
returned by the metadata service. What we considering in the following is to
specify a new, optional column, and the associated semantics.

(1) The Proposal
The proposal is to allow a new column called "Logical Name" (LN) which is
string valued.

(1.1) The string should be built from the same character set that is used in
identifer components (is this right Ray?)
         alpha | digits | "-" | "_" | "." | "~" | "$" | "&" | "=" | "+"

Specifically, this choice of characters will enable the LN to be used as
part of a Posix file name if desired by the consumer. This is useful for
bulk use of SIAP services where lots of files are stored; and it may not be
possible to deconstruct the URL to produce a suitable file name.

(1.2) If two rows of the table have the same LN, then we can assume they are
in some sense "the same" image. Comparison is case-sensitive. Interpretation
of this is not strictly defined, but some guidelines follow in the next

(2) Guidelines
SIAP providers and consumers may ignore these guidelines and still be legal.

Recalling the metadata that MUST be present in each row, let us abbrieviate:
-- "Scale" is the scale pair from VOX:Image_Scale
-- "Naxes" is the scale pair from "VOX:Image_Naxes"
-- "Format" is the format from VOX:Image_Format
-- "Bandpass" is the bundle of bandpass metadata
-- "URL" is from the VOX:Image_AccessReference

The guidelines assume an SIAP table that has two rows that have a common LN.
We compare the rest of the metadata in the rows to reach "reasonable"
conclusions as specified below.

(2.1) If all the metadata in the two rows is the same except for the URLs, a
consumer may assume that exactly the same data (same bytestream) can be
fetched from the URLs.
-- There may be "normal" client-side processing to effect this, for example
those URLs ending in .gz would imply client-side decompression is needed
before the streams would be the same.
-- The URLs may have different hostnames -- thus providing support for
replica services.
-- The URLs may have different protocols, such as http:// and srb://, thus
providing support for alternate delivery methods.

(2.2) If all the metadata is the same except for the URLs and the Formats,
then a consumer may assume that the same data is present but in different
image formats. So there could be, for example, a FITS and a JPEG version of
the same image. The JPEG version may have a lower information content, but
is assumed to be exactly co-registered with the FITS version.

(2.3) If all the metadata is the same except for the URLs and the Scales and
Naxes, then a consumer may assume that the same information is present but
at a different scale. However, if the relevant ratios of the scales and the
Naxes are not right, then one image might be a cutout of another, or there
might be a mistake.

(2.4) Guidelines (2.2) and (2.3) can be combined so that we have a way to
find, for example, a quicklook Jpeg version of a Fits image.

(2.5) If all the metadata is the same except for the URLs and the Bandpass
packages, then a consumer may assume that these images are exactly
coregistered (stackable) but in different bandpass. A set of three
monochrome images could, for example, be identified and combined into a
color image.

California Institute of Technology
roy at
626 395 3670

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