REMINDER: Apps WG call for participation (IVOA Interop November 2024)

Damian, Adrian Adrian.Damian at
Thu Oct 17 20:09:20 CEST 2024

Dear Applications Working Group,

This is a REMINDER to submit contributions for Applications Working Group sessions at the upcoming Northern Fall IVOA Interop meeting that will take place in La Valletta, Malta, November 14-17 2024, immediately following the ADASS conference. (Details at -

If you would like to present a short demo, talk or discussion on an application, application development, or one of the Apps Working Group standards (VOTable, MOC, HiPS, SAMP) please submit a brief description of your topic to Pierre (pierre.lesidaner at<>) and Adrian (Adrian.Damian at<>). This is a short Interop and we are only planning one or two Apps sessions so it's therefore important to express your interest early to improve your chances of getting it scheduled.

Best regards,
Pierre Le Sidaner (chair) and Adrian Damian (vice-chair), Apps WG
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