VOParquet document

Mark Taylor m.b.taylor at bristol.ac.uk
Tue Dec 17 13:39:15 CET 2024

Hi Apps,

following some editorial activity, the VOParquet Note is now in
what I consider a suitable state for publication.
You can see it here:


As advertised, it is open for comment and contribution until the end
of December, after which we plan to move towards publication.

Although it's not mandatory for Notes, we'd like to have interoperable
implementations of this convention, and maybe even a validator.

 - If you have implementation code relevant to this proposal
   (software that reads and/or writes parquet files in a way
   that's compatible with the proposed VOParquet convention),
   please add an entry to the "Implementation Status" section
   of the wiki page

 - If you have comments on the VOParquet document text, please
   follow up this email and/or raise an issue in the repository at
   https://github.com/ivoa/voparquet , preferably before the
   end of the year.



On Tue, 26 Nov 2024, Mark Taylor wrote:

> Dear Apps,
> I have drafted a document on use of the parquet file format in the VO,
> specifically defining a covention for use of VOTable to add rich
> metadata to parquet files.  You can find it on github here: 
>    https://github.com/ivoa/voparquet
> I have started a few Issues to invite comments on particular aspects of
> the text; if you are interested please contribute to these, create new
> issues, or submit pull requests.
> As agreed in the Apps telecon of 5 November and at the Malta Interop,
> the aim is to get agreement on this on a short timescale, so that
> projects that are writing or about to write parquet files in bulk
> can do so interoperably.
> My suggestion therefore is to gather comments and make updates by
> *the end of this calendar year*, so it can be published
> (as a Note or possibly towards Endorsed Note, TBD) in the first
> weeks of 2025.  If there are major disagreements that schedule
> might have to slip, but I'm currently optimistic that won't
> be the case.
> If you think that this timescale is too ambitious, please follow up 
> this message.
> Thanks
> Mark
> --
> Mark Taylor  Astronomical Programmer  Physics, Bristol University, UK
> m.b.taylor at bristol.ac.uk          https://www.star.bristol.ac.uk/mbt/

Mark Taylor  Astronomical Programmer  Physics, Bristol University, UK
m.b.taylor at bristol.ac.uk          https://www.star.bristol.ac.uk/mbt/

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