TOPCAT release

Mark Taylor m.b.taylor at
Wed Nov 1 16:21:03 CET 2023

Dear colleagues,

there is a new release of TOPCAT and co:

   TOPCAT v4.9
   STILTS v3.4-9
   STIL   v4.2

Headlines this time are:

   - Corner Plot (a.k.a. Pairs Plot, SPLOM) now available in TOPCAT/STILTS

   - Authentication management has changed, and you can now log in to
     TAP and other services that do authentication in a VO-compliant way

   - A single topcat-full.dmg file should now work for both Intel and
     Apple Silicon Macs (though this has not been widely tested,
     so I'm interested to hear of problems)

Concerning the authentication changes: the relevant standards are still
under discussion in the VO, so this currently only works for a minority
of services.  But if you run or use a VO service that you think TOPCAT
ought to be able to authenticate with and it doesn't, talk to me!

Downloads, links and more detail at the usual places:



Mark Taylor  Astronomical Programmer  Physics, Bristol University, UK
m.b.taylor at

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