Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Tue Mar 8 07:55:20 PST 2011

Hi Mark (&rest),

On Tue, Mar 08, 2011 at 03:04:31PM +0100, Mark Allen wrote:
> given that the TAP registry extensions are not fully defined.  Pat's
> email last November (implementations of TAP (+ ObsCore = ObsTAP))
> called for contributions to compile a list of TAP services. Pat, did
> you get many contributions?  Is there a list somewhere?
Well, until the registries reliably show table metadata for
TAP-exposed tables, I've set up GloTS at


I do include non-registred TAP services when I find them and they
appear to be intended for public consumption, and I've been
soliciting contributions for a while -- all you need to do is send me
your access URL and a "fake" ivo id (preferentially the one the
service will be registred as eventually; then, once the registries
carry your service, the transition would be automatic).

The GloTS server list can be retrieved via TAP, but you can also find
it at


The services with nextHarvest N/A are DSA services that do not have
TAP_SCHEMA, the services with nextHarvest in the past are ones that
did not work when my software tried to harvest their TAP_SCHEMAta.



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