New SAMPy 1.11.1

Luigi Paioro luigi at
Fri Sep 4 08:32:32 PDT 2009

Dear all.

   we are pleased to announce the release of SAMPy 1.11.1 available at 
the PANDORA group site:

This new release includes the following changes:

- Public ID format still simplified
- New Hub metadata added
- XML-RPC faultCode value set to be int (Douglas Burke patch)
- and client.env.get MTypes supported by default
- SAMPHubProxy.declareSubscriptions "mtypes" parameter renamed as
- bindReceiveNotification and bindReceiveCall methods of SAMPClient and
   SAMPIntegratedClient classes have been changed adding an optional
   "metadata" parameter
- declareSubscriptions method of SAMPClient and SAMPIntegratedClient
   changed adding an optional "subscriptions" parameter
- Interrupted system calls error caught
- Other small bugs fixed
- README updated

If you have any comment, bug notification, help request, etc. please 
contact me by e-mail, directly, through this mailing list or using the 
the PANDORA site contact page.

Best regards,


   on behalf of the PANDORA group


Luigi Paioro

INAF - IASF Milano
Via Bassini 15, I-20133 Milano, Italy

Phone  (+39) 02 23 699 470
Fax    (+39) 02 26 660 17

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