SAMP/PLASTIC and astronomers

Juan de Dios Santander Vela jdsant at
Fri Jun 27 05:18:27 PDT 2008

El 23/06/2008, a las 12:10, Mark Taylor escribió:

> I think one general point which may be appropriate to make in some
> cases is that application interoperability is not strictly VO  
> business in
> the sense that, say, DAL protocols are.  Despite the IVOA provenance,
> developers of applications which do not view themselves as virtual  
> observatory tools should not feel that this technology is not for  
> them.

I completely agree with this view.

However, we have to keep in mind that some particular data models
are concerned with  "data provenance",  and that keeping metadata,
specially "VO provenance metadata", should be something messaging
protocols should be able to do.

ps. I'm using "data provenance" in an ambiguous way, meaning both
"data source" provenance and instrumental provenance.  The latter
is probably  kept in the  binary data,  so sending messages  with
such datasets  trivially  keeps it,  while the  data source  of a
data providing message should be kept around maybe as a parameter
for all rows of the message, or a property of the message.

Juan de Dios Santander Vela
Diplomado en CC. Físicas, Ingeniero en Electrónica
Doctorando en Tecnologías Multimedia
Becario Predoctoral del Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra: No hay libro tan malo que no contenga  
algo bueno.

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