VOTable filter for OpenOffice Spreadsheet (RC1)

Markus Dolensky Markus.Dolensky at eso.org
Tue Apr 20 04:11:02 PDT 2004

Dear Chenzhou,

It would be helpful to have a VOTable test document as well as the command line 
  how to apply the stylesheet.

My personal attempt with two different processors - Xalan, xsltproc - and two 
different VOTable documents all failed producing similar warnings and errors 
(snippets below). Since I'm not very experienced with this it's not clear where 
to start looking for the problem which could be related to my test documents, a 
XSLT processor issue, the stylesheet itself or a combination of the three.


mdolensk/v2otable> xsltproc VOTable2CalcSheet/Votable2CalSheetV2.xslt test.xml
VOTable2CalcSheet/Votable2CalSheetV2.xslt:516: warning: Namespace prefix table 
is not defined

[truncated lots of similar warnings ...]

compilation error: file VOTable2CalcSheet/Votable2CalSheetV2.xslt line 516 
element table-cell
Namespaces prefix  used for multiple namespaces

[truncated lots of similar errors ...]

Error Invalid expression
Error Invalid expression
compilation error: file VOTable2CalcSheet/Votable2CalSheetV2.xslt line 193 
element variable
xsl:variable : could not compile select expression 'normalize-space(.//)'
Error Invalid expression

[truncated further similar errors ...]

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