samp.hub.event.shutdown usage

Mark Taylor m.b.taylor at
Tue Jul 26 05:30:36 PDT 2011

The samp.hub.event.shutdown MType is documented as follows in the SAMP

    The hub SHOULD broadcast this message just before it exits.
    The hub SHOULD make every effort to broadcast this message even in
    case of an exit due to an error condition.

I have provisionally added the following sentence:

    It SHOULD also send it to clients who are registered using a
    given profile if that profile is about to shut down, even if
    the hub itself will continue to operate.


Since multiple profiles can operate as part of a hub, and in
principle some might start and stop at different times than the
hub itself, it will be desirable for the hub to inform affected
clients about profile shutdown for the same reasons as for hub
shutdown, that is, that the client is going to be unable to
continue to communicate with the hub.

You could argue that the samp.hub.disconnect MType would be more
appropriate here.  My feeling is that samp.hub.event.shutdown is
better, since profile shutdown, like hub shutdown, but unlike forcible
disconnection, has the implication that immediate re-connection
attempts are likely to fail.

Post here if anyone disagrees.


Mark Taylor   Astronomical Programmer   Physics, Bristol University, UK
m.b.taylor at +44-117-928-8776

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