SAMP MType parameters issue

Luigi Paioro luigi at
Mon Nov 10 03:13:01 PST 2008

Even if I do not see the necessity of this more restrictive BNF, 
personally I have no objections.


Juan de Dios Santander Vela ha scritto:
> There are other languages (C) for which identifiers can only be of the 
> form you are expressing, and many languages with C runtimes share the 
> same restrictions.
> However, I would go for identifier as:
> identifier ::= (letter) (letter | digit | "_")*
> ¿Do you think this is too restrictive? I don't see the point of named 
> parameters which use _variableName, as this is typically done for hidden 
> properties... And I think we should allow MType identifiers to be legal 
> identifiers in all (most) languages... even if a protocol identifier 
> does not need to correspond one to one to variables in a computer language.


Luigi Paioro

INAF - IASF Milano
Via Bassini 15, I-20133 Milano, Italy

Phone  (+39) 02 23 699 470
Fax    (+39) 02 26 660 17

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