Administrative MTypes

Thomas Boch boch at
Tue Jun 3 05:16:58 PDT 2008


> Note that app.event.{starting,stopping} are not intended to indicate
> whether a client has joined/left SAMP, but whether it has started or
> stopped "processing" in some application-specific sense - Al argued
> in the session that these names should be changed to avoid confusion.

Those names confuse me as well. What about
app.event.{startingProcess,stoppingProcess} ?

> I'd like to suggest that app.event.{register,unregister,mtype,metadata}
> are renamed hub.event.{register,unregister,mtype,metadata}.
> Although it's true they describe things about applications,
> they can also be seen as describing changes to the hub state.
> Furthermore, like hub.event.stopping, they should always be sent by
> the hub itself rather than by individual clients, so it seems to me
> like a good idea to group all these hub.event.* messages together (...)

I agree. As they will be send by the hub only, your suggestion makes
sense to me.


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