Summary of the TDIG @ interop

ada nebot ada.nebot at
Fri Nov 20 00:19:25 CET 2020

Dear TDIG, 

Lots of things happened during this interop meeting ! 

I’d like to share with you some of the things we saw during this meeting 
which are particularly relevant to this group.   

TDIG @ Apps
• MOC2.0 (Multi-Order Coverage map): defines spacial and temporal coverages 
	• Implementations: Aladin, mocpy 
	• Existing tools to help to community implement the protocol 
	• Need to adapt the 2 implementations to recent modifications
	• In WD, aimed for a RFC before next Interop
	• Working Draft: <>	• Please read soon and comment on apps at or voevent at
• pgSphere: MOC service
	• Ready to be tested 
	• At present limited to space coverages, but shouldn’t be a problem to add temporal coverage

• ObsVisSAP (Object Visibility Simple Access Protocol): how to retrieve target visibility periods from observatories
	• Implementations: Chandra, XMM, Gaia, Integral, NuSTAR
	• Existing tools to help to community implement the protocol
	• In WD and will soon be proposed for IVOA recommendation 
	• Working Draft: <>

• ObsLocTAP (Observation Locator Protocol): Definition of metadata related to observations planning and schedule
	• Implementations: Chandra, XMM, Gaia, Integral
	• Existing tools to help to community implement the protocol 
	• In RFC: Deadline 2020/11/27
	• Recommendation of IAU endorsement — IAU General Assembly August 2021
	• <>
• ObsCore extension for timeseries: 
	• Define a specific table to expose time series search fields 
	• Add an extra capability to discover the feature
	• Discussion: 
		• How to define the type of timeseries? Proposal : add an element in the t_obs table for timeseries_type = “…” using a controlled vocabulary.  
		• What type of data would be good to expose: phase folded data, periodograms,… would in this case a project specific table be enough or does this needs to be also defined in the t_obs table ? 
		• How to join the ObsCore and t_obs tables? Based on obs_publisher_did or do we need to identify / define a better suited one? 
	• RoadMap to the next interop
		• Draft a note to expose the elements. 
		• Have a running meeting on this topic.

All the presentations can be found here: <>


Astronome Adjointe
CDS, Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg (ObAS)
UMR 7550 Université de Strasbourg 
11, rue de l'Université, F-67000 Strasbourg
+33 (0) 3 68 85 24 20

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