Draft note on STC in the Registry

Arnold Rots arots at cfa.harvard.edu
Thu Feb 1 21:28:34 CET 2018

On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 7:06 AM, Markus Demleitner <
msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de> wrote:

> [Apologies for the wide cross-post; I'd invite follow-ups to
> Registry; for those that don't know what this is about: discussion
> started at http://mail.ivoa.net/pipermail/registry/2018-
> January/005226.html]
> Hi Arnold,
> On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 02:13:36PM -0500, Arnold Rots wrote:
> > First, I think we need to define the role of the coverage information
> > in the registry, and specify the requirements.
> Exactly.  Now, since the way from the use cases in the Note's
> introduction to the actual features isn't that long, I've skipped
> writing out requirements explitly.
> If we wanted to have more wide-reaching requirements, I'd say we
> first need credible use cases from which to derive them.  If you have
> some, this would be the perfect time to bring them up and add them to
> the Note's introduction (which, of course, applies to everyone).

No need for a snarky reply here: I was just saying that if we agree that
the registry provides a rough non-authoritative answer to a coverage
query, your low order MOC is the right mechanism

> > It seems to me that any resource should be able to provide an
> > authoritative answer, as a follow-up to the information provided
> > by the registry. And, frankly, and STC-S (not STC-X) string is, so
> Well, that's the actual data query, via SIAP, TAP, or whatever, no?
> Or do you see a need for a third layer between service discovery and
> dataset discovery?

Well, no. I am talking here about a high-fidelity coverage query which
is not explicitly provided in the IVOA arsenal, but a very common
query for archives. Sure, that's not a registry question, but closely

> > Using a MOC for high precision coverage applications is problematic
> > because it means that the server has to anticipate the client's
> The question of general spatial representation(s) in VOTables or
> other places is distinct from what we're dealing with here.  I'd like
> to avoid burdening the question of STC-capable registries with any
> wider-reaching STC discussion (except we need to make sure we're
> roughly in line).  If we agree that MOCs in VOTable cells are a good
> idea, let's move along with them. Of course, if people see problems
> with *that* particular aspect, now is when we should discuss it.
> > One more item about spatial coverage: we need to make sure
> > that we are not painting ourselves into a corner, restricting the
> > coordinates to ICRS. Galactic will come and if we want to have
> As I'm writing in the note:
>   On the side of registries trying to process VODataService~1.1
>   coverage information, dealing with the STC-X embedded within the
>   resource records was made difficult by the large feature set of
>   STC-X, where coverages could be provided in a myriad of reference
>   frames and shapes that needed to be unified to standard systems
>   before they could meaningfully be searched.
> -- now, true, it's trivial to convert Galactic to ICRS, but then
> there's really no reason to put that burden on the Registries.  For
> almost all other frames, the authors of the registry record are in a
> much better position to convert whatever celestial reference frames
> they use to ICRS then a harvesting registry is.
> In actual usage, we'll need a uniform frame anyway -- have a look at
> the example queries and try to imagine what they'd look like if we
> let in other celestial frames (even if it were just Galactic and
> ICRS).  Note that the "magic" conforming (as in
> CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS'), CIRCLE('GALACTIC'))) forseen in ADQL 2.0 was
> identified a pain in implementation and a trap for users, so it's no
> longer part of ADQL 2.1.
> > appeal to the solar system community, that will require more
> > flexibility - which means that a reference position is needed, too,
> > but possibly only for solar system frames.
> That's a different issue -- as planned in the parent message, I'm now
> proposing to reserve an extra column for such non-celestial use
> (Volute rev. 4729).  The corresponding open question is now:
>   \paragraph{Other reference systems?}  We currently require all
>   spatial coordinates to be in the ICRS.  This obviously is not enough
>   whenever objects move fast against the ICRS, as for instance for solar
>   system objects and, in particular, their surface features and the like.
> To
>   enable future extensions to cover these domains, a column
>   \verb|ref_system_name| must currently always be filled with
>   \texttt{NULL} on the service side, and clients must always constrain
>   coverage queries with a \verb|ref_system_name IS NULL| condition.
>   Is this enough to cover forseeable and plausible use cases?  Should we
>   write \verb|'ICRS'| rather than \texttt{NULL} already, and then perhaps
>   already define some system names we already have resources for?  Given
>   it will be present in almost all STC queries, should we have a less
>   verbose name than \verb|ref_system_name|?
> Comments on this are highly welcome.

I would prefer to be explicit about this. One of my concerns is that
practices that are perfectly acceptable for registry usage may (or will)
be carried over to other interfaces where they are not acceptable.

> > As to time, MJD is fine, but the combination of BARYCENTER and
> > TT is an oxymoron. I would advocate BARYCENTER-TDB,
> Well, BARYCENTER-TT is straightforward to define and compute, which is
> why it was my first choice.  But I won't quarrel about split seconds,
> and I see that we might be setting an unfortunate precedent here, so
> I've changed TT to TDB in the document.
> > GEOCENTER-TT and TOPOCENTER-TT. I will grant you that
> Again, we have to use a uniform system if we want to enable global
> discovery, and again the harvesting registries are in a much worse
> position than the record record authors to perform the
> transformation(s) -- actually, they can't do them at all most of the
> time.
> So, for Registry purposes we'll have to choose one.  From what I've
> seen, people who care about reference positions in their temporal
> metadata at all tend to choose BARYCENTER and then whatever time
> scale their instruments happen to use.  Making things easy for them
> will -- I hope -- increase the chances we'll actually see such
> metadata in the Registry (which we currently don't).

I am not convinced that people will actually perform a proper
transformation and I agree that for most registry records it does
not matter one bit. However, what would be useful (I think) in the
registry is information on the resource's native system: it will tell
the user (if interested in high-precision timing) how to query the
specific resource. That would really be a useful piece of information.
And one might argue that the same would apply to spatial
coordinates - provide the native reference frame and reference
position to tell the user hwat's the best way to approach the resource.

> > I still regret the use of wavelength as the spectral coordinate.
> > Either frequency or energy have solid physical meaning and
> > do not require the extra caveat "in vacuo".
> So do I.  But unless many more people speak up that it's time to fix
> that wart in the VO and promise to help out, switching to energy
> would be little more than the first step in an XKCD 927 process:
> https://xkcd.com/927/
> > the resolution certainly is: a segment of the user community
> > has a very good reason wanting to know whether Doppler
> > velocity information is available in a resource and at what
> > resolution.
> Could you provide a use case for that?

For one thing, someone who is interested in, let's say, 3-D cubes
with Doppler velocity as one of its axes should be able to find out
from the registry whether a particualr resource is able to deliver
such data. And this is very distinct from the interest of users who
are interested in spectral information, either of the kind of SEDs,
or in line equivalent widths.

> Is this comparable to the role resolution plays in spectra discovery?
> There, we've so far relied on the dataset discovery (i.e., SSAP and
> Obscore) protocols to let people constrain resolutions.  I *suspect*
> that's right at least in this case, as the resolutions of spectra
> within a single service (which for now can stand for "resource") can
> be so dramatically different that "spectral resolution" isn't a
> meaningful concept on the resource level, and "range of spectral
> resolutions" is too large to be useful.
> On the other hand, there aren't many discovery cases that do not, in
> some sense, involve quality measures (limiting magnitude, SNR,
> resolution).  The Registry so far doesn't really talk about these,
> even where (as for limiting magnitude) they are clearly properties
> on the resource level at least for some resources (e.g., many
> catalogs).
> I can't honestly say I'll try to do something about such quality
> measures, but I'd consider them to be roughly in scope for this note.
> If anyone wanted to contribute text for them: The SVN is at
> https://volute.g-vo.org/svn/trunk/projects/registry/regstcnote
> (feel free to commit to trunk, but if you prefer to branch, do that).
> Meanwhile, an updated build of the draft Note with the changes coming
> out of the recent discussions (thanks to all participants!) is at
> http://docs.g-vo.org/regstcnote.pdf.  I'll postpone publishing it to
> the document repo as long as there's still discussion going on.
>         -- Markus
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