VOEvent Update: JSON and data models

Roy Williams roy at roe.ac.uk
Sun Oct 15 17:02:13 CEST 2017

Dear Colleagues
We respectfully submit an IVOA Note about some proposed improvements to the VOEvent standard. We would appreciate some discussion on this email address and at the upcoming meeting in Chile.
Thank you for your attention
Roy Williams, Scott Barthelmy, Eric Bellm, Matthew Graham, Rob Seaman


VOEvent Update: JSON and data models
Roy Williams, Scott Barthelmy, Eric Bellm, Matthew Graham, Rob Seaman


We propose an extension of the VOEvent format, to translate the packet from XML to JSON – with no semantic change. We also propose to use the VOEvent data model system to define three data-model Groups: “Light Curve”, “Associated Sources”, and “Followup Imaging”. This straightforward update of VOEvent simplifies the syntax and provides simple, standard representation of common astronomical datasets.

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